Friday, November 20, 2009

In Case You Missed It This Week

  • Don't cut the cat's claws. No, really; there's a law. HuffPo.

  • EU attacks financial pay at banks and insurance companies. Dealbreaker.

  • Licensed NYC attorneys at $15 per hour? TempAtty.

  • "I've decided to stop in cities that are not usually included in a typical book tour," means "I don't want to be protested against in NYC, LA, Phila., SanFran, and Seattle." MSNbc.

  • Reed Smith non-equity partners to forfeit 15% of their base pay to stay in the game. Yeah - that's not going to cause ego bruise or anything. AmLawDaily.

  • If you happen to venture into the human zoo that is any Walmart, just don't cut in line, okay. It's rude, and evidently it leads to events that have a potential jail sentence of 15 years. HuffPo.

  • NOBODY wants to come into work when they're sick; the kid was trying to keep his job. ATL.

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