Sunday, January 31, 2010

Introducing Guest Blawger Jason Silberberg

I am happy to write that Jason Silberberg will be guest blawgging on the site for the next month.

Jason is a graduate of both NYU, and separately, the George Washington University Law School. He studied in Spain while an undergrad and participated in Moot Court and the Project for Older Prisoners Clinic while in law school. Jason has a wide research and writing background; his accomplishments include:
  • A legal journal document discussing the right to withdraw consent under the Fourth Amendment.
  • A research document and presentation to the English and Dramatic Literature Organization's Annual Conference, entitled Jewish American Participation in the Spanish Civil War: a Socio-Historical Study.
  • A number of published articles while working as an intern at The Jewish Daily Forward, including "Mameloshn Thriving in Montreal" and "Debate Rages Over Deafness Test."

Jason's work experience includes interning at both the FCC Enforcement Bureau and FEMA's Office of Chief Counsel. At the FCC Jason researched and wrote on matters ranging between over-the-air-threats and fraud to administrative procedural matters. At FEMA Jason researched and wrote to defend the agency against employment discrimination and equal protection suits. Jason also spent a summer as an associate at the firm Gebhardt & Associates, LLP. He worked on litigation matters, principally research and writing as regards employment litigation.

Apart from the law, Jason is also a musician. He is currently a songwriter to the musical group Steeplechase, and separately, has published and licensed his musical work to various television series. He also founded and performed as Co-President to the record label Argento Records.

Jason is licensed to practice in New Jersey.

Welcome Jason! I am very happy you're writing on the blawg this month - please enjoy your time here!

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