Sunday, January 3, 2010

Introducing Guest Blawger Emily Walsh

I am quite happy to introduce Emily Walsh here as a Guest Blawger for the next month.

Emily graduated from St. John's University School of Law just this summer; she resides and is licensed in New York state. While in law school, Emily was a senior staff member of the New York International Law Review and has had her legal research and writing published. See Microsoft v. Commission: An Article 82 EC Analysis, 21 N.Y. INT'L L. Rev. 77 (Summer 2008). She also sat on the Executive Board of the Moot Court Honor Society and acted as Special Events and Budget Coordinator. Emily was a Semi-Finalist in the Judge Milton Mollen Moot Court Competition and a Quarter Finalist in the Roy L. Reardon Moot Court Competition. She has also excelled academically, qualifying for Dean's List during several semesters at St. John's, and completing her Bachelors with honors from the University of Mary Washington.

Emily's work experience includes her most recent summer at the law firm of Stroock & Stroock & Lavan. She was extended a post-graduate offer after working on matters including securities and litigation. Separately, Emily has worked as a Business and Legal Affairs Intern with RCA Music Group, researching and writing on matters of intellectual property and the performing arts.

Welcome Emily! Am happy you're here this month - have fun!

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