Sunday, June 14, 2009

About this site; Posts begin Monday, June 22nd!

Welcome! And thanks for visiting our site. We are polishing details, but will begin regular posting starting next Monday, June 22nd.

There are several quality law faculty blawgs and well-known attorney blogs reporting on either Big Law or the current Big Unemployment crush. Forward Movement is created amidst such discussion, but with a very positive intent. This blawg is a collection of young professionals taking control of their careers and focusing their energy on efforts that will push their professional development forward. Research will be presented here, as well as general commentary and opinion. All discussions will be substantive in nature, within either a legal or business context. Hopefully our writing will also be entertaining and useful!

As a matter of housekeeping, please note:

- All work is original to the blawg post author, and all copyrights from that blawg post are reserved.

- The views expressed within a blawg post are those of the author, and unless otherwise noted, do not reflect the views of the author's employer or the other authors writing on this blawg.

- This site is a means of education, marketing, and entertainment. It is neither written or publicly provided for as counsel or advice.

Enjoy, comment, and by all means: reach out to the authors if there are projects you would like to collaborate on or other opportunities you want to explore! Thanks.

[UPDATE] Additional details on this form of attorney advertising:

Privacy Policy: Apart from readers' ISP addresses, which is a component of the blawg's analytics and can be publicly viewed via the SiteMeter at the bottom of the homepage, no other reader information is viewed. Additionally, no reader information - whatsoever - is collected.

Terms of Use: This site is informational in nature, and intended to be a means of open communication. The terms of use a reader agrees to are contained within this blawg post, and within the language presented as a condition of commenting on a post. Readers whose behaviour is inappropriate in light of these collective terms will not have their comments published. Reciprocally, should a reader voluntarily compose an appropriate comment, that reader is giving Forward Movement license to publish that comment on the blawg.

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